Release Notes 3.14.0

September 02, 2024

# Tournament Theme

  • Ability to create define Tournament theme that contains Name, Color and Viewer Default Appearance definition.
  • Each tournament can then have a Theme assigned, and tournament will then inherit from his theme all the properties regarding the aspect.
  • The theme Name can be printed on the registration ticket.
  • The theme viewer appearance will override the Default Appearance of the Layout used to project the tournament. You can also set different Default Appearance for the theme based on the aspect Ratio of the screen where you are projecting the layout.
  • The theme Color will instead be highlight the tournament in Tournament Director App or Dealer App, in Check-in and Home, to easily recognize a tournament.

# Account

  • Added a flag to set the Country as Required field in order to register a new Player

# Layout Designer

  • All properties related to the appearance can now be set to null (Unset)
  • UIX changed for property editor
  • If an appearance property is not set the designer will use the property set on the parent appearance

# Tournament

  • Ability to set the tournament theme
  • Ability to apply buyin condition for multiple flights
  • Reservation: The player auto-match will now also check for player with same email address as the reservation
  • Player will now automatically be registered to league/club notification (if never set) when registering to Reservation
  • Added logs on History from Edit Structure and Edit Payouts

# Tournament Director

  • Theme management: The navigation bar and the tournament will change color based on the theme selected
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Add table will now allow to select No. of tables, Player Per Table, Lock Type, Priority, Note and Indexes

# Tournament Dealer App

  • Theme management: Table number will now be colored based on the selected Theme

# League

  • Added flag “Always show full player names”. If set PokerLens will override the Privacy Agreement set on the membership and show player names on the Tournaments of the specific League.

# Multimedia

  • Ability to customize the sound device to be used for each screen

# Cash Game App

  • Ability to set Missing Small blind/Missing big blind flag for a player
  • Ability to set Chips-in

Release Notes 3.13.0

July 03, 2024

# Cash game

  • Sitout/add break can now be of 2 type: Standard or Long, both of them can have a different expiration time
  • Added ability to set chips-in
  • Added functionality to set Chips-out during check-out of the player
  • Added Remarks to Table
  • Added Lock and Priorities on table seats
  • Added table Matrix view (similar to Tournament)
  • Added functionality to lock seat during check-out/move

# Cash stakes

  • Added ability to set expiration time for Break

# Integration

  • Added Neon OnWard Membership integration
  • Added Neon Classic Membership integration

Release Notes 3.11.0

May 05, 2024

# Player

  • Added Creation user and time on the Member UI

# Tournament

  • Added ability to select multiple bounty when bust out
  • Added feature to recalculate bounties and prizes based on the bust out
  • Added “Deal” flag to Payout to mark it as dealt

# Tournament App

  • Added a checkbox to reserve seat when bustout
  • Added multiple bounty selection when bustout player from Knockout tournament

Release Notes 3.10.0

Apr 02, 2024

# Preferences

  • Added option to select default webcam for document scanner
  • Added Webcam reader for passport/id document reader

# Player

  • Added fields Document Status and Document Expiration
  • Document status to Verified can now be mandatory when adding a player on membership
  • Added a button “ID/Passport reader” to fast read Player document
  • Added history of changes tab for Player data fields that will show the data and the user that
    made the changes to player data
  • Showing a tooltip on top if the player state may prevent registration for events: (for eg. If player
    is blacklist, or is not active, or is missing document verification)
  • Ability to fast scan membership card from Members list

# Security

  • AD integration: User can now be added from Domain or Local pc
  • AD integration: Login with Windows username and password
  • AD integration: Added feature to login with Windows authentication

# Ticket

  • Added feature to transfer ticket to another player

# Cash game

  • Added a field to manage player Show Up at the table after registration. Dealer or Supervisor can
    mark the player as showed up.
  • Added a Max Show Up time field on stakes. If the player does not show up in time he will be
    removed automatically.
  • Added a flag on the stakes to allow player to take a seat from app.
  • Added push notification template that can be sent to player after Check-in action
  • Take a seat on offered games (cashgame) will now send a push notification to players that has
    linked the app with the profile.
  • The message template can be set into Club settings and can contain special field with
    information about player, stakes, table, etc.
  • Minor bug fixes

# App Integration

  • The ability to fast scan membership card from Members list or from tournament/cash game can
    also be used to link the player. You can now scan the QrCode for player Linking which will create
    the player if not exists or link the player if matched by lastname/firstname/birthdate.
  • Player can now take a Seat for Stakes after being registered to the waiting list if a seat is

Release Notes 3.9.0

Feb 19, 2024

# Player

  • Allow to publish personal information on web will now work properly for previous results. When
    creating a new player this Flag will be set by default with the value defined under Account settings:

# Tournament

  • Added a check-in flag "Do not balance tables during registration". If checked the Random Seat
    algorithm will ignore table balancing.
  • Multiple day tournament will now allow to leave opened flights when moving to different days. Example: We want to leave opened Day 1/C and start running day 2, or just create Seat Draw for day 2.
  • Add "elimination reason" and "elimination chips count" field
  • On Stack Choice duplicate players will now have their Elimination Reason marked as Duplicate and
    the chipscount will not be considered in the average and total chips count
  • Add feature to Disqualify or Surrender: if disqualified or surrendered the Elimination Chipscount will
    not be considered in the average and total chips count
  • Added history log for Level Play/Pause, Payout Assign/Unassign
  • Elimination position will now be logged in the history

# League

  • Added a Flag to set the League invisible on web

# Multimedia Client

  • Added {start_timer} token to Tournament Layout that shows the remaining time before the
    tournament starts, when expired it will then show the Level Clock.
  • Fixed bug related to Reconnection especially when the Client changes screen resolutions or when
    connecting a new screen
  • Performance improvements

# Cash game

  • Fixed bug that does not allow to save multiple Cashout for a single entry

# Cash Dealer App

  • Bug Fixes on Player timer

# Tournament Director App

  • Login now allows to type the username instead of selecting it. While typing the user Auto-Complete
    is enabled and shows Username that matches the search
  • Editing Level Notes has the Auto-Complete features that allow to select a description set on a
    different level

Release Notes 3.8.0

Sep 04, 2023

# General

  • Stability improvements
  • Plugins Self-Update support

# Blacklist

  • Blacklist now will set the player as Suspended and will rollback to active if you override on blacklist
  • Blacklist will now exclude accents for match

# Tournament

  • Check-in (bug fix): Bonus Ticket amount is not shown on the Payment screen on the first try
  • Add a field to delay live feeds publish to prevent spoiler for live streaming. Tournament live feeds
    can be delayed up to 60 minutes
  • Add a field to specify room for tournament. This information will be published through on
    Registration billboard and on App
  • Add "Chipcounts last updated" field on each player and on table. This field is also visible in
    tournament director app when logged in as Dealer
  • Add a field to allow only Re-Entries registration when CAP is reached

# Tournament Director App

  • When moving a player. If moving a busted player onto a seat - have an alert saying "Player is bust"
    Do you really want to sit him?"
  • When login as a user that is linked to a group which has a name that start with “Dealers” the
    application will change to single table view and will allow extra feature for the dealer like mark a
    player as Check-in at the table using the QR Code
  • QrCode scanner can now use front camera
  • Fixed a bug on changing timer by step of 1 min

Release Notes 3.7.0

Jun 05, 2023

# New features

  • Black list management
    • Black list can be enabled for Tournament Registration, Cash game registration and Members
    • You can manually add items in black list or import from external sources
    • You can set in blacklist firstname/lastname/account/email/birthdate
    • Blacklist will first search for ACCOUNT field then for EMAIL then for
  • New macro menu “Members” that will show all menu item related to membership
  • New menu item "League" which allow to manage leagues without having to edit the season

# Members

  • Added APP tab on top to manage Connection to Live Account from the App personalization
  • Added Black List override field to override the black list until a specific date

# Tournament

  • Ability to Lock/Unlock seats for Subscription, Moves or All (also available on TD APP)
    • When a seat is locked for Subscription the seat will not be considered available during player
    • When a seat is locked for Moves the seat will not be considered in any moves operation (table
      balance, table close, player moves, redraw)
    • When a seat is locked for All then Subscription and Moves will be escluded
  • Ability to Prioritize seats (also available on TD APP): Seat with lower priority will be given first during the
  • Ability to set a Note to each table, this note can be printed in registration ticket
  • Tables Matrix View (New feature): From Tables tab you can now change the view from Standard table
    view to a Matrix based view
  • Add table screen will now allow to set creation options (Lock state, Priority state, Seats, Note, Tables
  • Added flags on tournament to allow Registration desk to register player without seat or register player
    directly to waiting list
  • Added flag on tournament to allow Reservation to override locked seats
  • Added flag on tournament to automatically reset the seat priority after a player has been registered on
    that seat
  • Added flag on tournament to Hide Payouts only for the app/web
  • Added flag on tournament to Hide Seat Draw only for the app/web

# Player Kiosk

  • This feature will allow player to link their live account with the App
    To run player kiosk execute this command line:
    C:\kholdem\kholdem.exe /playerkiosk

# Services

  • Solved cache bug for all kHold'em services (Issue mostly generated during web publish that will not
    update players changes like country or league changes from khold’em)

Release Notes 3.6.2

Jan 09, 2023

# Tournaments

  • Table balance button won't be shown if there are unseat players
  • Solved an issue on Table balance algorythm that will move a player to a table and then add another movement from a different table to fill same table
  • Added permission to Screen management. You can now enable Groups to Edit settings/Show-hide screen/Change projection
  • Structure description has now been moved to tab DESCRIPTION in Edit Structure. In case of Multiday tournament if flight has no Description set it will publish on web the Description set on Summary.
  • Day description is now visible with tournament number (eg. #78 (1/A))

# Tournament Levels

  • Levels in multiday tournament can now be inherited from Summary or customized for the single day, it essentially works on same way but now the behavior its more clear
  • Flights that has Inherited levels from Summary will now copy also Breaks
  • Flights that has Customized levels will never get changes applyed to Summary levels
  • Subscription Open and Subscription Close can now be Edited from flights Tab
  • If Late Registration level is set the Subscription Close on the flights that does not have the Level in their structure will be set to the Start Date of the Flight

#  Tournament Director Mobile App

  • Show on Monitor is now available for Tournament Director Mobile App

# Tournament Checkin (Waiting List)

  • Players will now be registered on waiting in the following condition:  Subscription has been set as Suspended  'Available seats' subtracted of 'Waiting players' its lower or equal to zero.
  • Players WILL NEVER be registered in waiting if:   'Assign random seat' is set to false and the flag 'Allow player subscription when no seat is available' is set to true
  • Players that are still in game cannot be subscribed anymore to the waiting list
  • Players that have reached the max number of Entries cannot be subscribed anymore to the waiting list
  • Players subscribed on waiting list will now have the Tournament Ticket number assigned immediatly which can also be printed in the waiting list ticket (You have to edit the ticket in order to add that field)
  • Scanning the QR Code of a waiting list ticket will work also if the player has been moved from waiting list to ingame players

# Layout

  • Grid components can now show multiple page on same screen and then number of visible row can be defined in the layout.
  • Font can now be drawn with Texture image
  • Font can now be drawn with Borders
  • Fixed issue that won't show the Payout description if set

# Ticket Reports

  • Add currency field to Transaction Reports (Ticket needs to be edited in order to add the field)

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.6.1

Nov 11, 2022

# New Features

  • App Notifications. This tool allows you to send push notifications to players via your custom mobile app. Valid only for those who have purchased the custom App.

#  Desktop App

  • The waiting list ticket ID can now be scanned and used after the player has been moved from the waiting list to the registered players list.
  • Added permissions for League/Tournament Announcements and League/Tournament Description
  • Added tournament number in event display setting wizard
  • Added event number to description in Transactions
  • Added currency symbol field on all Ticket report
  • Added event number to Contribution tab in League
  • Added a flag to allow players to be registered even if no seat is available if the "Assign random seat" is unflagged. This will allow to register player with Manual seat if no seat is available.

# Tournament Checkin

  • Fix: When a player is subscribed on tournament using the membership card and the player already exists, kHold’em will now give an error message to registration desk “Player already exists” (Same behavior as registering a player by name)

# kHold’em Multimedia

  • Fxied some bug during the draw of the Cash Waiting List
  • Added extra fields for tournaments (League Notes, League Announcements, Tournament Note, Tournament Announcements)

# Tournament App

  • Allow Random sit or Manual from registration can now be edited from the App
  • Added a banner that show if there are player without seat and allow TD to sit them in an easy way
  • Added a banner that show player in waiting list and allow to sit them
  • Tournament description now will also contain the tournament number
  • Added a feature to show the list of Bonus Ticket of the tournament (Mystery Bounty/Satellite). From the list you can then assign/unassign ticket to a player
  • Added the ability to edit Level Note from level structure
  • Added total information on Tables tab (Total Seat/Total Free seat/Total Filled Seat/Total tables)
  • Fixed wrong time info in Player info for field Subscription Date

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.5.1

Aug 19, 2022

# New Features

  • Document Template management. Now it is possible to create signable PDF template to submit to the player during the registration process through a specific APP (Document Signer)
  • Document Signer. By running kholdem.exe with /documentSigner parameter it will run the document Signer app

#  Club room management

  • In Club/Venue there is now ability to add/edit Room
  • Select name and table planner for the room

# Ticket Report

  • Added Unsubscription ticket report
  • Added Elimination ticket report (Congratulation card)

# Players

  • Added Account Date field
  • Added Export to PDF action on Transactions
  • Added “Add from template” in Attachments tab

# Layout Editor

  • Fixed an issue that will loose font on Save when the used font is not installed on the machine.
  • Added fields related to the specific day (entry_day, reentry_day, pot_day, etc)

# Season

  • Added Descriptio, Announcement, Code, Club field to League
  • Added Logo to League. This field can be used on Clock/Billboard/Cashgame Layout-    Tournament

# Tournaments

  • Fixed issue that will loose some fields during editing when moving on different screen
  • Added Short Description field for a tournament
  • Added information about Re-Entries/Re-Entries per day, Unique player/Unique player per day, Countries/Countries per day, New entries (from day 2)
  • New feature: Tournament Attachment
    • Images/documents can now be attached to tournament
    • Images can be linked also to ITM player

# Tickets

  • Add ability to select Flight on Ticket creation (for 15% payout management)
  • Ticket will now be selectable only if the player is on same flight set on Ticket, if a flight is selected

# Tournament Check-in

  • Print unregistration ticket when unregister player
  • Re-print/Export pdf unregistration action from history
  • New feature: Tournament History.
  • Associate device has been substituted by Device menu. This feature will allow to edit device information. If you click on New it will run the Associate Device feature.
  • Available Screens/Multimedia
  • Added Ability to link a Club Room to the device. If Club room is assigned the layout can use Club room fields (like table planner image)

# Tournament App

  • Fixed issue that won’t save settings on device
  • Fixed issue that won’t save selected server on device
  • Added feature to save multiple servers configuration
  • Added ability to print congratulation card (elimination ticket) for player
  • Fixed other issue

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.5.0

May 16, 2022

# Supporting 64 bit

# General Performance Optimization

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.4.9

Feb 11, 2022

# Service

  • Fixed an issue when running cashgame session, the service will crash unexpectly

# Multimedia

  • Added Feature to assign a description to each screen
  • Added Feature for edit connected media screen directly from the home (available only for Administrator users)

# Tournament

  • Saving performance improved
  • Fixed an issue on internal clock that will lose time in slow devices
  • Fixed an issue when loading Level templates

# Layout Editor

  • Added formula field
  • Added wordwrap property on grid panel columns

# Cash Stakes

  • Added Order field that will allow to change the order of the stakes projected on screen

# Cashgame Touch Screen

  • Fixed an issue when Print ticket on a checkedin player that won't print the player seat

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.4.8

Jan 30, 2022

# Home

  • Added extra columns on tournaments view
  • Moved templates to tab to give more space to tournaments list

# Tournament

  • Added feature to customize flight description.
  • Added an option when creating a flight and importing a tournament result to select how to sit player.

# Level Templates

  • Fixed issue on Save As that create not ordered level templates

# Tournament Templates

  • Fixed issue that don't allow to edit templates with Max Re Entries field

# Statistics & Reports

  • Restyling of the UI

# Fixed minor bugs

Release Notes 3.4.7

Dec 29, 2021

# SecurityAdded Change Password feature and Advanced Password settings for GDPR compliance.

# MembershipAdded Membership Affiliation management. This feature will allow you define different Affiliation plan to your Member with different pricing by defining periods and fees.

# Player Account

  • Time Bank account for cashgame; this account will allow Player to purchase Time that they can spend on Gashgame table if the Stakes allows this modality.
  • Added Credit field to Account. Now, if allowed, Player can request Credit on their account.

# Tournament

  • Tournament List Layout can now be customized
  • Levels Start date will now automatically be calculated depending on the tournament start date
  • Subscription close date will now be automatically calculated if you select a late registration level
  • Minor bug fixes

# Cash Game

  • UI has been restiled to be more user friendly.
  • Added Timebank Rake system

# Marketing

  • Added the ability to use SMS provider like Twilio, Amazon, Local Phone
  • Added the ability to use Email provider  by defining SMTP settings

# Ranking Management

  • Added cashgame results
  • Minor bug fixes

# Ticket Report Editor

  • Added feature to multiple move fields
  • Minor bug fixes

# Support for LiPoker App

# Fixed minor bugs